Embark on a digital reading adventure with Magzter Gold Membership, where the joy of reading knows no bounds. Millions have already indulged, and now it’s your turn to explore the vast world of unlimited reading.
What Magzter Gold Membership Offers:
- 8,000+ Magazines and Newspapers: Access a vast library with a diverse range of magazines and newspapers catering to every interest and niche.
- Curated Premium Stories: Enjoy handpicked premium stories that add an extra layer of excitement to your reading journey.
- Download for Offline Reading: Take your favorite reads on the go! Download magazines and newspapers to enjoy them offline, making your reading experience truly flexible.
- Ad-Free Platform: Say goodbye to interruptions. Magzter Gold provides an ad-free reading environment, allowing you to immerse yourself fully in the content.
How to Avail?
- Visit here
- In Enter your voucher code Enter EK50 and Click Redeem
- A Popup will Appear With Membership Plans
- Choose your preferred subscription plan
- Make the Payment with Any Card / UPI or Wallets
- Start Reading More than 8000+ Megazines
- 3 Months at Rs.300: Dive into the world of literature for three whole months at an incredible price.
- 6 Months at Rs.550: Extend your reading journey to six months, unlocking a plethora of magazines and newspapers.
- 12 Months at Rs.1000: Immerse yourself in a year-long literary feast with Magzter Gold Membership.
About Magzter
Magzter Inc. is the world’s largest cross-platform digital newsstand, launched in 2011. With 85 million users, it offers thousands of magazines and newspapers in 40+ categories and 60+ languages. Headquartered in New York, Magzter has a global presence and was founded by Girish Ramdas and Vijay Radhakrishnan. The platform is available on iOS, Android, and the web. Magzter GOLD, a subscription service, provides unlimited access to 8,000+ publications. The ezRead 2.0 feature enhances the reading experience, especially on mobiles. Magzter Smart Reading Zone® leverages Geo-Fencing Satellite technology. It partners with commercial entities, turning locations into Smart Reading Zones. Key publishers include Dotdash-Meredith, Condé Nast, Hearst, Bloomberg, Guardian News & Media, India Today Group, and many more from over 50 countries. Magzter emphasizes eco-friendly digital reading.